Friday, May 7, 2010

Monster Catfish

The other day I was watching Animal Planet more specifically River Monsters starring Jeremy Wade and I was forever traumatized. If you ever watched River Monsters you know its about Mr. Wade tackling on the mysteries of the worlds rivers.

There was this one specific episode about Monster Catfish that were eating humans in the rivers of Nepal(not sure if that's the only place they reside, so be careful).... really had me rethink our place on the Food Chain. For a person who watches way to much Animal Planet I think its safe to say these catfish defy the organization of our somewhat well thought out food chain. These whiskered fish are frighteningly to big for their britches.

I even had a nightmare I was in this murky river fighting away these over sized fish. I don't know.. this might not be all relevant to a lot of people, but I think these Catfish deserve being mentioned, so there you go. Monster Catfish. They're Very Scary. And Very Real. Credit Acknowledged.

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